"Leges bonae malis ex moribus procreantur"

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Exposição de artigos.
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quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013

Fontes de Consulta

The International Journal of Forensic Computer Science publishes original research in the area of Forensic Computer Science. So, this journal is devoted to publishing original papers in the various branches of Forensic Computer Science, serving as a new medium for the international scientific community, research centers, universities, and law enforcement agencies.

The IJoFCS main goal is fostering development in Forensic Computer Science, and developing and exhibiting the widest possible range of new research in the field of Forensic Computer Science, as well, by means of encouraging researchers from all over the world to publish their work on this venue.

This journal has an international committee of reviewers from several countries. In addition, papers are rigorously reviewed by three committee members, experts on the matter discussed in such papers. Only the papers with recognized scientific rigor are accepted, and published in this journal.

The IJoFCS uses blind peer review process. So that prospective authors are kindly asked to submit their papers without any identification of them. The IJoFCS reviewers do not know any author's identity, as well as any identifying information is stripped from the document before review.

Prospective authors are welcome to submit their papers to this Journal, using this website.

As IJoFCS has enough financial support, we don't charge any publication fee from authors.

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